Master yourself.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

People, including us, have animalistic instincts that must be controlled if we are to live well today.

We defend our ego by being nasty when we don’t have to.

We compete for resources when we don’t have to – there is abundance.

We want to fight (whatever form that may take) when we don’t have to.

We are jealous and envious when we shouldn’t be.

We eat too much when we don’t have to.  There will be food tomorrow.

So many of these tendencies are in us for survival from a time with conditions that no longer exist.

Master yourself. 

Let go of these parts of yourself and walk lighter through life.


What an awesome pic! Oh, and message too!


Love this message.

David Bryan

Really like that comment ” Walk lighter through life”

Jennifer Porter

This can refer to the quote “you cant control other peoples actions, you can only control your reaction to them”. To be able to respect and remove yourself from others who you realize are creating negative space in your head. Everything in life ends up working out in the end, don’t you think? Maybe that’s too naïve of me to say. The only thing I have to disagree on is there may not be a tomorrow. So you should be grasping for as much of life as you can in the moment and be appreciative of every second.

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