Freedom in the 50 states

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

An annual report compiled by the CATO Institute ranks freedom the the fifty states according to many metrics of personal freedom, free markets, taxation, etc.

The top five freest states?

#1  New Hampshire

#2  Florida

#3  Nevada

#4  Tennessee

#5  South Dakota

The bottom five?

#50 New York

#49  Hawaii

#48  California

#49  New Jersey

#50  Oregon

How important is freedom to you?  For me it’s #1.

Bill Alber

Greetings from The People’s Republic of New Jersey!

Bill Alber

Good Morning from The People’s Republic of New Jersey!

Daniel Vazquez

Numero 1!!! freedom!!

Sean Perry

New Hampshire #1. That’s a surprise!


When looking at free vs less free states,population seems to play a big role. Although Florida was in the free non populated states.

Timothy Ferraro-Hauck

Now let’s look at the states with the best and worst quality of life – the list may look very different and for various reasons. “freedom” is relative and one person’s “freedom” may seriously impact another’s. It is not as simple as get-to-do-what-I-want. Are we willing to be a society?

Michael Thibodeau

New Hampshire has by far the best license plate slogan “Live free or die”!
Many have died protecting our freedom! They seem to have stopped teaching this reality in schools over the past few decades or so. We should never forget the sacrifices made by so many to defend freedom and I hope everyone who agrees will remind those who are so willing to give it away! FREEDOM #1 ??

Mike Mitchell

I love freedom and that is one of the reasons I like living in TN so much. Flew yesterday – without a mask – felt great! Quality of life is outstanding too.

Willis Ponds

Freedom is #1 for me as well! However, this should be freedom for the people, not freedom for the government. Too often members of the government think that the government has the freedom to do whatever they think is best. This is not the case. Our Constitution was intended to grant freedom to the people and severely limit the freedom of the government to impose rules. New Hampshire failed greatly in one respect and that is in severely restricting the freedoms of the people due to the Covid-19 “pandemic”. They did this in March of 2020 and extended these severe restrictions at least until May 2021. All such restrictions are completely unconstitutional and it’s questionable if they had any good effect at all. All of the bad effects from the restrictions just further proves that the government should not meddle in the freedoms of the people!

Sean T

Working on a plan to GET OUT OF NEW JERSEY! Pray for me!

Wesley martin

Where is oHIO ranked ha

Dave Kase

So does that mean you are MOVING? LOL

Don Marshall

Freedom cuts both way. Free to pollute our air and lakes, put other citizens at risk with reckless behavior, or on the other side government overreach. Freedom must be balanced. There is a lot of miss information out there, who are you listening too?

Bonnie Sundberg


Michael Haydamous

Freedom comes first! Then we can work out the other details. Not the easy way out… Restricting freedom is the easiest way for rulers… not the visionary ones!

Timothy Poppe

I’m glad someone is outwardly saying that they place our freedom 1st. There are too many that just sit back as our freedoms are being slowly taken away. Its like the story of the dog with the a chain. Each day the owner removes one link slowly reducing the dogs length of run. At first, it didn’t matter because the dog still was able to run, but when the dog only had a few links left, it became miserable.
Americans chain links are being removed slowly. Don’t become that dog.

RK Bob Brown

Just curious. How does the Cato institute rank USA with other countries?

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