Don't confuse movement with progress.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

You can knock out tasks all day long; you can be busy doing stuff; you can fill all your time doing this and that and still not get anything done that will matter much tomorrow.  It’s really short-term thinking vs. long-term thinking.

What is most important? 

What will make the future better for your organization? 

What problem can you fix that will fix daily problems forever?  

Think and identify the highest-value leverage-filled activities and projects you can.  Then start each day doing them first.

What’s most important to do for the future?

Austin Marcum

Love this one! – “What problem can you fix that will fix daily problems forever?”

George Platt

Book Recommendation for Larry:
The Ultimate Coach
By Amy Hardison and Alan D. Thompson
Larry, you are destined to work with Steve Hardison. You are a force of nature and there is another level available to you.

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