Be Vulnerable

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

An ego-driven leader never wants to be wrong, so he pretends he knows stuff he doesn’t, avoids subjects, and fakes his way through.  The thing is – he’s not fooling anyone.  And he will never learn something he pretends to know already.

Instead, be vulberable.  Ask questions.  Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” or “You are way better at this than I am.  Can you teach me?”  By asking questions and staying open, you can learn and get better.  People will want to tell you things, correct you, and help you.  

Besides that, your people will feel good they are being asked, and feel important.

Being vulnerable does not mean being less effective.  It’s about becoming more informed, being more authentic, and working with others well to get the job done.

Lisa Isherwood

Thanks Larry! BrenĂ© Brown again! Understanding vulnerability is so powerful and life changing, if you’re willing.

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