Authenticity in Leadership

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

It’s hard to be one kind of person and another kind of leader.

If you’re putting on an act, people know it, and they won’t respond very openly, knowing they are being toyed with.

Authenticity is valued in a leader.  Of course, this assumes you are not hiding anything; that you are a person worthy of being the leader in the first place.

Are you authentic?

David Bryan

I have been getting value from Think Daily since late 2012! Thanks for all the thoughts and inspiration Larry

Willis Ponds

I’m not 100% sure but I’ve been receiving Think Daily’s at least since 2017 because that’s the oldest e-mail of yours I have saved. I saved the ones I really relate to and want to reference in the future.

Tim Slamans

Hi Larry,
I have been reading both of your Think Daily since 2015. I believe I have read every single one since then because I won’t remove them from my inbox until I have read them. Even then I never delete them, sometimes I get behind and have to read a weeks worth and when I am tempted to just delete them I think about how hard you work to write these and realize that reading the is the easy part.
Some of my all time favorites from you.
1) “Drinking alcohol is stealing happiness from tomorrow.” I especially appreciated this because in todays society people are looked down upon when we say we don’t drink. I would think it should be the other way around?
2) Your Baja stories, I ride off road also and although I have ridden in Baja I have no desire to race that fast or that long. I have 4 grown children that ride with me some and I love that you and Tanner enjoy the sport together.
(I have a motorhome and a Sprinter chase van and would love to volunteer my help at one of your races if you needed additional support please let me know.)
3) The general theme that life is what you make of it. We live in the most blessed nation in the best time of humanity period!
4) All of your Into The Dust movies. Inspirational!
Thanks again Larry, even though you may not hear from us very often we are reading and listening to what you are saying.
Tim Slamans

Michael Healy

Congrats on your SF250 solo finish! I’m an off-road moto enthusiast as well, having been on forty+ multi day rides in Baja with Tim Morton, including three Cabo runs. My late son, Patrick, solo’d the 500 as a 20 year old in 2005, officially finishing in 15 1/2 hours. Definitely a highlight! I suspect you and I would have a lot to talk about… business, personal and moto related.
I’m a relatively new subscriber (about two months) and enjoy the daily inspiration. Great work, keep it up!!

Scott Haring

Larry, I was made aware of your service around 2016 and enjoy your frequent concise reminders to “do the right thing, always.” Your racing stories have been great too: the goal was set, preparations made, you began the race, challenges arose, you adapted and did your best. A few months ago you mentioned a proposal to your friend…will there be an update?


4 years
(I think)

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