"Let go to grow"

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

When someone starts a business they are doing everything themselves.  They make a habit of it and become fairly good at many of the business’s duties – and that becomes a problem. 

As they get too busy, they hire people.  They don’t have time to train them, empower them, and the people make some mistakes.  The leader says things like “If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.”  The people they hired, leave.  They are stuck in a trap, and they may die there years later if they don’t figure it out.

You don’t scale.  You only have 24 hours in a day like the rest of us.  

Let go to grow.  If you don’t, you won’t.

Ralph. Carpinella

Thanks Larry for the shout out.

Larry is so correct on his comments about growing your business. It is so important if you want to grow and as your grow to develope people and. Delegate tasks and responsibilities. It is said that if you want it done right do it yourself .. that’s for people doing one thing.
If you want to grow delegate. It may not be done exactly how you want it but it frees you to concentrate on making a bigger and better company.

Perfection is for dreamers . We need good quality and service

Jason Smegal

I have to say I really embraced this motto for the past 2 years and what a change and a better life quality it has given me. The soe and the cn team helped me realize how beautiful life and business can be together.

Bob ligmanowski

Thanks for showing Maryanne and I that I was doing the “wrong” work ! It’s taking time ( turning a big boat, and getting all boats to follow in one direction) but, it’s happening! Thank you Larry

Dan Malsch

So true Larry. Thanks for helping all of us, your SOE students, all of us “Troy’s”, to pull our heads away from the grindstone long enough to see that we needed to work on our own selves and become experts at delegation. In my case, my greatest initial strengths had truly become my greatest weakness. What had to change was my own stuck thinking. I appreciate how your consistent encouragement, belief in us, and tough love insistence that our businesses were a reflection of us, and that “what got you here, won’t get you there”. The comments made above by Ralph, Jason, and Bob are my thoughts as well. Thank you Larry. Your leadership and desire to develop your dealers has elevated our lives and is also thereby elevating the lives of the teams and individuals we are all now working to develop in our own businesses.

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