Keep your promises

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

There’s a (not-so) funny short film called “A Piece of Cake” produced by the Moving Picture Institute ( – a group I support with monthly donations.  They make pro-freedom films that get a message across.

In this movie, a little girl tells her Dad that she wants a birthday cake with the little silver balls on it for decoration.  Her Dad promised.  The little girl said, “The last time you promised, you broke your promise.”  

The Dad, normally a very busy guy at work, was taken aback, felt like he had failed his daughter, and was determined to do as he said and get a cake with the little silver balls.  One problem.  When he goes searching for the little silver balls, he finds out they are illegal in the State of California. (The movie is really about government overreach).

The Dad finds himself searching all over the state for anyone who has the silver decorations.  Finally, he finds himself in the dimply lit basement of an abandoned building paying an outrageous price to an illegal dealer in the silver balls – all to keep his promise.

Have a high say-do ratio.  When you make a promise, keep it.  When people figure out that they can’t believe you, nobody wants to be around you or deal with you.  When people know they can rely on your words, your life will be better.  

Hal Smith

Hey , I want those silver balls served on a silver platter !!!
Seth and I are going on the bike ride to Maine ! Cant wait !!

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