If people don't believe the messenger…

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Act as if the whole world is watching, even when nobody is.

Don’t violate the principles that you say in public are important.

Keep your integrity.

If people don’t believe the messenger, they won’t believe the message.

And once you’ve lost that, you have to get a new set of people around you to try again.

Best to keep your integrity in the first place.

Jeff Albert

Larry thank you for the great words everyday I truly appreciate it. Good luck in Mexico this week keep the bike straight and the throttle twisted

David Pinson

I’m the sales manager from Basement Systems of WV in Clarksburg, WV. Thank You for Think Daily. Appreciated your visit to our office the first week in January. Great Thought…Even Greater Accountability After Reading It For Myself Towards Those Around Me!


Good morning, Larry. Glad to be here.


Hey Larry,
100% true on the messenger. That’s all about trust. Building great teams rests on this foundation and once it’s gone it is difficult if not impossible to get it back. Thanks again for doing this blog and sending out these messages! Best –

Coleson Pokorny

Very valuable message that I forget sometimes, thanks for sharing


Good Morning! Love my Think Daily! Gets me thinking every day.

Ryan M

Good morning!!

Jennifer Porter

I really appreciate this message. I have been trying to do more kind acts for strangers. One I have been doing is giving up my seat on the metro for families and older folks. I don’t need recognition for these small acts but it encourages me to continue being kind.

James Pye

I am enjoying the daily comments Larry

Patricia Villers

I enjoy your posts each day.

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