You doubted it would work out – and…

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

…it didn’t.

Did you cause it so you’d be right?

Did you not do all you could to make the good happen because you doubted it would happen?

By doubting, or failing to believe in your own success, we prevent it from happening.

From the inner – the outer.


Jay Church

Love the shout out to Vicki – awesome team member!

Alex Fraser

First time commenter, very long time fan and daily reader of think daily. I had to comment because todays message struck a chord. Yesterday, I was doing some work in my church program that I’m facilitating that is a deep dive into some lessons in the Bible, and it asked how we thought prayer worked. My answer was that I wasn’t sure if it was one of two things. One, that when we believe in something our subconscious will without our knowing finds ways to them so. Two, that god somehow works through us to make them so. But either way, the belief in it inside of us is what conjures it into reality. I believe that was the point you were making with this today. If you believe it will fail, it will undoubtedly. If you believe to your core that it will succeed, you will find a way to make it succeed. Larry, I am such a fan of all that you do. I read everything you send out no matter how long or how short your messages are. I found you by your off road videos of into the dust and then followed into your think daily messages. You do profound work and I truly hope someday I can meet you and shake your hand to tell you what a difference you have made in my life. Thank you!

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