Yesterday I referred to two YouTube videos to show that experts who inform masses can be wrong, and I used examples referring to reducing CO2. (My post was not about solar energy or electric vehicles, but just used two experts who did TED talks to show that experts contradict each other, change their minds and influence millions of others.)
Well, here’s a story from an expert (me) that is correct! (isn’t it funny how experts say they are correct. What else would you say “I am an expert and I am wrong?, or “I am not an expert but here is advice that is right that you should act on.?)
I founded a company in 2009 called Dr. Energy Saver. I had multiple companies going at the time, as I have since 1990. It was a time when gasoline was $4.50 a gallon and everyone was crazy about saving energy. A guy I knew suggested the idea and wanted to be my partner. It was a time when government programs were springing up fueling the “energy audit” business and subsidizing some repairs.
So we started up with great enthusiasm. In a year we realized our business model was flawed and wouldn’t work. Over time the government programs proved to cause more harm than good and killed many a good-intentioned business in the industry with their bureaucratic control and twisted market incentives for homeowners and businesses, fueled by “free” money.
We tried to stay out of the government programs from the start. We wanted to really actually fix things in houses. We had to change everything we were doing. Meanwhile, my partner bailed out, not seeing any path to success. But I don’t quit, and I put my carpentry/building/sales/marketing/engineer/scientist hats and, and put my but in a seat for most of a year to figure it out.
Today we are the only dealer network or franchise company in our industry to survive, and we finally are profitable and doing quite well. In the process of all our testing and chasing down paths recommended to us by people who never did what they were recommending successfully, we ultimately abandoned many things.
What we were left with is pure gold.
Years ago I identified that dirt crawl spaces were nasty moldy energy-wasting spaces and designed wrong. The building code REQUIRED a builder to build them VERY wrong. (The madness of crowds and false narratives.) Add more vents they said. I said do the opposite. I was right and I birthed a new industry. In the process, we have saved more CO2, money, wood rot and mold remediation repairs, and frankly human health than anyone can count. It’s not glamorous, so you don’t see it on the news, but we are VERY proud of what we do. It makes a huge difference.
Anyway, let me call the next epidemic in American housing that, if fixed, would save tremendous amounts of energy AND makes houses more comfortable and less expensive to won.
Ducts in attics.
The attic is the most hostile place on your property. In the summer the temperatures reach 140 degrees F or more. An air conditioner makes 55-degree air and blows it through the ducts. Ducts are only insulated to R6.
Can you see the problem? A 90-degree temperature difference across 1″ of fiberglass? By the time the air gets to the room it’s intended to cool, it’s nearly room temperature or EVEN above it. The longer the duct is (the farther from the air handler) the hotter the air gets.
Add to this the fact that the ducts leak a lot. This air you paid to heat and cool is lost in your attic.
You call your HVAC company and they recommend a bigger air conditioner. It’s madness. It’s not glamorous, and the world (until just lately) is missing it. Everyone missed it. Code writers and officials. Builders, HVAC companies, – everybody. So we burn lots more electricity and waste it, day after day.
Not all attics have ducts. If your does, this is low-hanging fruit. Go to and wherever you are in the US, we can help you and the fix is ultimately free and you’ll be more comfortable in your house.
I have been around and seen a lot of things. I have been responsible for results on many things for many years through my many varied companies. I hope you can see where my point of reference and attitude toward issues comes from.
Am I biased? Sure. I own a company that does this. Do I think I’m right? Of course. I am!
This story is an example to make a point. We need to learn from the right people on any issue, and observe and be critical thinkers to make the best decisions. Letting someone else do all your important thinking for you is not a good idea.
What’s the question you may have? How to be happy? Climate change? College? Proper governance? What you should do with your life? How to live healthy and long? What to eat? Where to live and what to do?
Think Daily.
Larry I think your brother from another mother.
I look forward to your long posts. Worth the read. Great information!
R6? Most of the ducks in the attic in our market are our four at best and that is just for the branch runs. The main trunks typically have a acoustical liner which has an R-value of one, maybe. Totally frustrates me..
Right on Larry. I bought in big to your approach. Did my own research and learning. Checked the boxes and helped many customers. Forever grateful for Dr Energy Saver team. The business model I bought into and shut down had many concerns – the dr energy and the ductless mini part was the most fun and had the greatest impact for my customers. Kept them more comfortable and healthy all year while reducing costs AND their carbon footprint! Winner winner!
I learned a lot today. Thank you!
I learned a lot today. Thank you!
Please don’t ever apologize for a long post when you have something important to say. This was interesting and worthwhile. Thank you for sharing your EXPERT opinion!
Question and goal is the same. Live and learn in the first 2/3 so I can set myself up to enjoy the last 1/3. If I die my family will reap the benefits of my hard work
Larry, Ive been install ducts in attics since 1982 and couldn’t agree more with you. Ive been saying this forever. I try to talk customers into mini splits. Building inspectors are clueless and never think to question the loss of thermal envelope when theres a bunch of holes in the ceiling sucking up heat all winter. Thats what you get when you have bunch bureaucrats making the rules…
Dr. Energy Saver for life!!!! Appreciate the post Larry, we eat sleep and breath the DES ethos daily and it is nice to hear about how awesome it is!
Larry, you are right on target as usual. Every house we have built over the last 20 years has a sealed attic that keeps the ducts and equipment in semi-conditioned space. It’s a huge energy saver, especially down here in the south. We typically see power bills that are 1/2 or 1/3 that of comparable sized older, conventional homes. In the last 10 years we have begun sealing the crawlspaces as well where the design allows. My next challenge is figuring out how to move the cavity insulation of the roof and walls to the outside surface. I need architects to get on board for this one, or I am going to start design/building. Thanks again for your daily commentaries. I thoroughly enjoy them no matter how wordy they are!