Dan Cox

As a team we are always looking to learn from previous mistakes. This week an error in our bid documents was found and corrected so moving forward we don’t have expensive and time consuming conflicts. Learning fromour mistakes!

Cole Tatge

-We implemented a new incentive structure for our crews that will pay them more money and save our company money at the same time!
-We are adjusting Service Tech’s in the same fashion.
-We have fully staffed our crews for the first time in 2 years as of last week and are on track to run all winter long, coming into Spring with a 3-6 week backlog!

Ken Baden

-Flew in a friend who owns a solar company in TX to get us set up to sell here in MD.
-Trained with him for 3 days with my leadership guys

I am grateful for Adam Shampagne
-Got all of our back office stuff set up (for the most part) to be able to sell solar
-met with a new mentor who I can relate to a lot and has achieved a lot of what I hope to in the near future
-Got us hooked up with another financier with better rates and buys deeper, also another distributor
-Worked with my office manager in delegating a lot of the day to day to her making me more available to utilize my strengths in areas that really help grow the business

Adam Catterson

-Got out of the office to ride with System Designers and visited job sites with production this past week. Spent the time discussing their challenges and coming up with solutions with them. Made an extra effort to listen to what they had to say and what they need from me.
-We also brought on a recruiter to help us onboard great people and build our reputation for employment.

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