In my 2009 book “The Highest Calling” there are a lot of emotional moments. (Get the audio in my voice.) One of them was when the main character, who was failing in his business despite working hard and long every day, comes home after his wife and kids went to bed. He was fighting to be successful for his family and in the process had let them down.
Have you ever felt like that?
We are emotional and spiritual beings first. Whatever we do in business, how we do it, the results, and the side effects and any collateral damage – we have to live with. You can’t get lost in your work so much trying to achieve a goal, and lose what is most important – what you were fighting for in the first place.
I am not saying that success automatically comes with such sacrifice. To the contrary. Getting it right allows you to be an even better person.
HOW you do it is a choice. It’s up to you.
A business is a tremendous vehicle to do good in the world; but it demands the best from you or it will punish you.
Nobody is going to take anything with them when they leave here.
It’s what they leave when they are taken that counts.
IMO, one should only sacrifice Time or Money. Remembering you can always make more money but you cant make the time back