Keep it as simple as you can.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

An organization’s efficiency decreases as its complexity increases.

(Just look at our government for example.)

If everyone can understand it, it’s easier to master its few simple operations and parts.

Your business?

Ross Mannuzza

And I am grateful for you as well Larry.

Aaron Stull

I have always liked the phrase “complexity is the enemy of execution.”


I once worked for a successful manufacturing Company that was started by 2 great men. There motto was “KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid.”
Then the decision was “forced” onto the Company, by big business Customers, to implement the ISO-9001/2 Quality Assurance system. This lead to a web of confusion, total disharmony, extra cost, lower productivity, etc, etc. And soon it was: lower profit, increased delivery times, stagnant development and innovation, ………….and LOWER QUALITY.
If something went wrong – as it now often did – all the ISO-9000 documents would be pulled into the enquiry with the intention of persecuting someone. If any person/department had done the “A-Z Check List” they would be blameless, even if it had been malicious or stupid.
Needless to say that this wonderful Company shows little of it’s forma glory – SADLY.
It all went to show “KISS” was the best policy.

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