Develop energy

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Yesterday we talked about managing around your energy.  Today let’s talk about creating energy.

If you are wiped out by 3:00, you probably ain’t livin’ right.  

Some of us are out of shape.  Get in shape.

Some are overweight.  Fix that.

Some drink too much coffee.  Don’t drink so much.

Some drink alcohol each day.  Bad idea.

Some don’t eat well, eating too much sugar or carbs that turn to sugar.  Easy to fix if you want to.

Some of us don’t get enough sleep.  Get more.  Put the device away one hour before you want to sleep.  Read that last hour instead and turn off the screen.

The idea is to pay attention and be honest about your habits and how they are affecting your energy and attitude and be willing to change them to feel better throughout the day.

What do you need to change to feel better throughout your day?

Mike Mitchell

Regular exercise is a big help for me. I prefer cardio and strength training, but even taking my dogs for a 15 minute walk is a real “pick me up.” Also I try to include focus on all important areas of my life each due, versus focusing just on work. May not work for everyone but is of great benefit to me.

Rod R Richard

I am now following Adam Chandler, a digital marketer with a platform that may help me grow my team

Alexis Litz

Love this. Ive had to improve my diet due to constantly feeling exhausted. I get enough sleep but I wasnt getting enough protein. I drink less coffee now since Im not compensating for my diet. Next, I need to develop a fitness plan that works for me. Thanks for sharing these daily posts, great way to start the day.

tom matthews

” Put the device away one hour before you want to sleep. Read that last hour instead and turn off the screen.”
I did this and it has had a significantly positive impact. It’s not easy to put the phone down, but it’s well worth it. I’m reading more and sleeping better. I tend to read fiction before bed because I look forward to re-joining the story each night.

Jeff Russell

Living right and treating yourself right is key to personal and professional success. Basically, it’s habit!


I’m living proof of this post!! I changed all of these factors in 2016, Lost 40lbs and have a better physical, mental and spirtual life today!!

Tim Runyon

I am blessed to know Larry Janesky.

Thank you my friend.

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