Zero Sum Thinking

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If someone has more than you, do you have less than you had?

If someone is doing better are you doing worse?

Zero-sum thinking is the idea that there is only so much to go around, so if someone else has more, then (unfairly) you have less.

The world is not a finite pie to be divided equally among all.  Indeed, the poor of today live better than the rich of not too long ago.  So everyone is doing better all the time.

Would you rather live in a world where everyone had equal resources and your chance of doing better were zero, or live in a place where some who were doing better were the preview of coming attractions showing us it’s possible and how?

Cindy Davis

I love this and totally agree.

Jeff Russell

It always amazes me when I hear someone say “I wish I had that”. To me, everything happens for a reason. What I found out was that in most cases, at some point it becomes very clear that you probably didn’t need that to begin with. I say goals !

Kevin M.

This observation is very uplifting, and is especially significant during Thanksgiving as we reflect what we have to be grateful for in life. Thank you for sharing!


Great thought!…
Thou shalt not covet. Or better yet. We get to not covet.
This thought brought my mind to the character of God, which is so misrepresented in the world today. A world view of everyone being handed what others have worked hard for or one which dictates what the citizens must do is very similar to the way satan has deceived many people into thinking that God is a tyrant and He should stop all suffering and bad things if He really is God. The Bible says God is love, He created us in His image, that means we have been created as humans with the ability to reason and to love, to name a few. Love can not be experienced without freedom. The freedom of every individual to make their choice to do good things or to do bad things. In all actuality God has shown so much love to the human race, trying to attract every human without interfering with their freedom to choose their own way. In an effort to prove His dedication to the freedom of the human race and wanting the human race to be able to experience love, He even gave up His Divinity and became human, Jesus Christ, then suffered the wages of sin in our place so that we can all be sons and daughters of God and live in perfect harmony with one another and with Him one day soon (building successful lives on an earth made new, reaping what each individual sows) after everyone has expressed their freedom to choose eternal life with no sin or suffering as our Creator intended it or death.
Would you rather live in a world with a chance to experience love or one where we would never know the feeling of being loved or loving God, our spouse, our kids, our neighbor or our pets, etc?

Gray Wilson

Wow! this really has me thinking and thank you for this perspective!

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