What are your true goals?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Yesterday we asked what your true values were.  

Today, we go further.

What are your true goals?

What do you really want to do while you are here?

Tiffany Queener

Get out of my head! I was actually just talking about this with my brother the other day. Goal setting is an important process, but making sure your goals align with your TRUE goal is another level of thinking. A lot of what you might call your true goal, is actually just a stepping stone to a much large picture.

My TRUE goal is to stay young in life. The numbers will pile on over time because they’re unavoidable, but my perspective, mind set, and approach will always stay fresh.

timothy Garrett

I have many goals, but a top one right now is to help people survive when the power goes out with my emergency power outlet. I am determined to help people survive by changing the way we prepare and the way we respond when catastrophic events happen.

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