Are you a loyal reader? Do you take action on the ideas in Think Daily?
Has it changed your life and brought you better results?
OK, so take today’s challenge seriously. Here it is –
Pick one thing you do that you will stop doing now.
Maybe you open the mail. Maybe you sign all the checks. Maybe you read daily reports that you only have to get once a week or less. Maybe you take the trash out. Maybe you clean the kitchen. Maybe you wash your car. Maybe you file papers.
Maybe you run sales calls. Maybe you are in production sometimes. Maybe you are talking to customers. Maybe you go to networking events. Maybe it’s a sacred cow – something you think only you can do (oh brother – lol)
Pick something that is not a high-value use of your time. Stop. Now.
Get someone else to do it or just let it go. Make space for higher-value activities.
A new business that gets better results is dependent on a new leader. Getting from the old you who is getting the results you are getting now to the results you want is a process of editing.
Stop doing this, start doing that.
What are you going to stop doing? Tell me with the orange button!
Run the dishwasher at the office when I get in in the morning
Picking up after one of my workers I will address them instead.
Stop watching the news in the am and “shoot the arrow” more consistently
Today I stop believing “That only I can lead certain meetings “
Stop doing the “admin sort of work” work in solutionview, I still want to set our pricing however, we will get someone else trained to act as the admin and make the actual changes, etc.
I am going to stop looking at my email BEFORE making my daily to-do list.
I will stop checking my face book messages in the morning and during the work hours!
Literally I journaled about this exact topic yesterday. I decided that I was going to stop doing customer visits that my team should be handling. Unless it escalates to a place where my experience comes into play, I will not be doing them going forward. Today is my last day to do one! Only because it’s already scheduled. I found when I concentrate on growing the business it actually grows. Every time I take my focus off this, it’s goes into a lag.
Talking with customers who have a concern instead of letting my service or production managers, just because they asked for “the owner”.
I’m done approving sales, paying commissions, and finalizing finished projects.
I’m done thinking I’m the only one on our team who can Network in our communities and get others on my team involved.