How would you treat a Million-Dollar Racehorse?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

This is an old question but it does stimulate some great thinking.  Last week we talked about how you present yourself to the world.  A few thought the idea was flawed, but how you value (take care of) yourself tells the world a lot about who you are and what they can expect from you.

How much are you worth to you?

If you had a million-dollar racehorse how would you treat it?  Would you feed it junk food?  Would you let it rest all day every day?  Would you work it all day long to exhaustion?  Would you give it beer or wine?

It makes us think about how we treat ourselves.  The time to think about that is now, not when we have a disease or when we realize our life is shortened by our habits. 

How do you treat the priceless you?

Doug Dean

Excellent logic!!!

Timothy Delos

This is a new one for me, got me thinking even further about what I feed my brain. One can find all the junk food your brain could ask for on T.V. Or one could feed it a little better and learn more by reading, exploring or yes watching tv, even though there is bad there is also good educational things to watch. Thank you for accepting me into this daily email.


I really like that one!
I am so thankful for you and this “thinkdaily” email
Keep up the GREAT work, best wishes and be safe brother

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