When we make excuses or blame others we are exempting ourselves from personal accountability. It may make us feel better, but we don’t think about how we can do better and avoid mistakes in the future.
Sure sometimes others played a part in a negative situation, but it’s how we interacted with them and the situation that lead to the ultimate outcome. Giving ourselves a way out of responsibility by blaming leads to a victim mentality.
When we say “They are to blame” then we are giving our power away to those same people. We are saying they have power over this area of my life and I don’t. We become a victim.
Don’t give your power away by blaming or making excuses.
Instead, ask “what could I have done to avoid the situation or make it better?”. Take responsibility, even if you made a mistake.
When you say “I am responsible”, you now have your power back – and with that, you can do amazing things.