Should their be winners in the world?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Do we believe in “winning”? 

 Do we believe in a world where if someone does better they can “get ahead”?

If so, then we know there will be those who are “behind” too.

If you played a game where nobody wins, what would that do to your motivation?

If you played a game where nobody loses, what would that be like for you?

Do you believe in a world where some do better and some do worse?

Cindy Davis


Timothy Sweeney

Wait a minute is that fair that someone has to lose? Can’t we all be Aaron Rodgers or LeBron James!

tom matthews

Yes, we need winners.
Winning has been devalued, if not villainized, at times in this country. Victory has been portrayed as an achievement that takes away opportunity and hurts others when in fact it often creates opportunity. Everyone has the opportunity to win but it won’t always happen so learn from the “losses” in your life and keep going.

Keith Davis

If a motivated person doesn’t see the benefits of their labor they have no reason to work hard.
If an unmotivated person receives benefits they didn’t work for, they will not work when they are needed the most.
There would be no point in playing a game that I couldn’t win.
Life shows us that no matter what we do, we will win on some things and lose on others. When you lose you review the lose find the reasons you lost and play the game differently the next time.
I hope everyone has a great Thursday

Will Bryan

Absolutely, It is why we are as good as we are!! I think Tom ( above) states it very well.

Lawrence B

There are winners and there are learners. Competition is a key to survival, whether it’s individual or team based. Society as a whole can pull together toward one goal but that is still competing to achieve something. Hunger is natural, learning how to eat is a skill. You don’t have to run faster than the bear, only the other people being chased by the bear.

Wesley Ely

Equality is an illusion. We are all unique and face unique obstacle, situations and opportunities. Performance and effort should be rewarded.

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