Too often we say we like a policy or something that is going on in the world depending on if it serves our interest or not.
Too seldom do we say “It’s not right” when it serves our interest.
For example, if someone shows up at your front door to sell goods at a deeply discounted price, we say “great”. That’s because it’s good for you. What if you knew that those goods were stolen from your neighbor the night before? That should change your mind, right?
What if a rival of yours was robbed? Your Mom’s house was robbed?
What if taxes went up, but you weren’t paying any anyway? Would you care? What if you were getting benefits, but your children would pay for them later? Someone else’s children?
We need principles that work in the world, and stop judging good or bad based solely on whether it serves our current immediate interest.
In order to develop a good philosophy, we need to learn (a lot) more about the world, history, and economics. We need to learn from multiple sources, not just ones who are looking to copy their own philosophy, sell something, or hold our attention by dispensing fear and drama. We need to be objective, and look at what has really worked and what has not.
Do you know enough to have a philosophy that works in the world?
Definitely agree. In order to make this truly successful, it is important to have fixed stars to navigate by so that the decisions can be made and subordinated to principles that truly impact the right things.
Hey Larry,
I wish more people would think this way. Then they wouldn’t have to worry about waking up in the morning and regret some of their choices.
Great reminder! I’m learning every day. Thank you!
As a Christian I look at things differently than a lot of other people and one of the universal characteristics of every person from the day they are born is that they are selfish. Our job as parents is to convert that selfish child into a self-less adult. Self-less doesn’t mean we don’t care for ourselves but that we put other’s needs ahead of our own. The reality is that you can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. (Zig Ziglar) It is also true that there is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn’t mind who gets the credit. (Ronald Reagan) If we were guided by the principles above then we would consider our actions differently.