How are you intelligent?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

I’ve talked about how everyone has a superpower or two or three.  My superpower is not the same as yours.  We have to find out what it is and do something (career, hobby, project) where we can use it and develop it further so we can do great things.

The question isn’t “are you intelligent” or “how intelligent are you”, but “how are you intelligent?”

What’s your superpower?

Two of mine are perseverance, and the ability to see nonsensical complexity (in my area of expertise) when everyone else sees a system they are working in, and then to ultimately fix it.

You?  Tell me with the orange button.


Bill Whyte

Showing up – the one thing that guarantees you at least have a chance to compete and win is just showing up. That also means showing up physically, mentally, and emotionally. Don’t be an empty suit – show up, ready to go!


The ability to think, perceive, imagine, share, reflect and adapt.

Randy Johansen

Unfortunately my super power is framing carpentry. I am great at it, but it is not where the money is. I miss it!

Jeff Russell

My super power is that I have an ability to think very clearly in very dangerous situations. Time seems to slow down for me during times that most would panic in. Also, I learned to trust my gut feeling, if it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not right! It took me a long time to trust my gut feeling.

Jeff Nelson

Listening and Discipline are two of my Superpowers.
They have served me well throughout my life!

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