
Larry Janesky: Think Daily

“All our discontents about what we want appeared to me to spring from the lack of thankfulness for what we have.” – Daniel Defoe, 1719

What are you thankful for?  I am sure there is a lot.  Think about it some each day.  When you see my box below saying who or what I am grateful for, make it a reminder for you to think about who or what you are thankful for.

When you are thankful, you will wind up with more to be thankful for.

“Let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find in every hour, some heavenly blessing. – Henry Ward Beecher

Anthony Rosato Minchella

I do a gratitude list of 10 things each day and end each with “because….” so it doesnt become routine and informs me WHY I am grateful and then thank you thank you thank you!! Today I am grateful also for Larry Janesky’s committment to doing these emails, because they give me a reminder every morning of something great to THINK about!! thank you thank you thank you!!

Patrick O'Toole

Absolutely on point today. The storm flooded my apartment and I have an unresponsive landlord so far, but all I lost (so far) were some books and a rug. I’ve been frustrated, but I need to be thankful it wasn’t worse! I have a lot I could be thankful for, and so I’m going to try and take a page from Anthony here in the comments and try to do a gratitude list with context/reasons regularly. Thank you both for helping me correct my path today!

Nikki Rae Toler

I am thankful that I get to wake up each day with the courage to show up at work and be productive despite my anxiety and depression.

Harry Burlakoff

I am thankful for my health, and my families health and my good friends. 🙂

George Platt

Thank you for the daily words of wisdom. They are valued and appreciated!


I am thankful for these WOW (words of wisdom) that you send …giving me a positive way to start each day.

Roy Anderson

Thank you for our families good health , Thank you for capitalism which is the best . Thank you for providing such a great forum !

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