Worthy – not because someone else says so

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

People who look for validation and permission from others that they are worthy and valuable are looking outside themselves.  This is risky and will result in an emotional rollercoaster of a life as people like you or do not like you for their own reasons that you cannot control.

I know – it’s not easy sometimes.  We all need love.  And it’s there for everyone if we are open and kind.

We need to see ourselves as worthy and valuable not because anyone else says so – we need to just know it regardless of what anyone else says. 

It’s in you, not out there. 

And when you see that, you will attract others who see it too.

Jeff Warcholik

Couple that with the fact that we are again made worthy in God’s eyes because Jesus suffered and died in our place because of our sins and nothing else matters, except….”He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you. But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God”
Micah 6:8 NKJV

Patrick O'Toole

I’m not there yet, but I’m coming along. I’ll make it happen.

Wendy Irvine

I have made this comment before … If you don’t love yourself, then no one else will. When you feel good about yourself, you have confidence. When you have confidence, you are able to to perform at your highest ability. In turn you are valuable and worthy.

Patricia Villers

I second what Wendy wrote.

Desiree Leader

So true! It has literally taken me a lifetime to learn to live in action, not reaction. I am responsible for finding my own joy, and also my own worth. I no longer look for happiness or validation through someone else.

Stephanie Kaona

Thank you for this. It is one of the hardest things I’ve struggled with in my life. I’m trying to learn this lesson. It’s a daily struggle but I hope it’s worth it in the long run.


What if you are confident and know your value and self worth, but others still don’t regard it? No matter how kind you are, some people feel comfortable giving your their worth side at leisure. How then do you approach it, when frustrating situations can weigh down even the best of us.


What if you are confident and know your value and self worth, but others still don’t regard it? No matter how kind you are, some people feel comfortable giving your their worst side at leisure. How then do you approach it when frustrating situations can weigh down even the best of us.

jeff sitton

I needed to hear this today!!!! Thank you

Lynette Marie Lacerda

Great words of advice. Be yourself because everybody else is taken. Authenticity takes courage.

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