Test Positive to Ambition!

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Ambition means you want something more and better than you do now.  You want to accomplish and achieve more.

If you are satisfied with what you have now, there’s no hope of you doing more or better.

What do you want that is better or more?  How bad do you want it?

Bad enough to act on it each day?

Patrick O'Toole

Life doesn’t take a day off, why should we? Giving 100% (or more) all the time, or not at all.
I’ve set some expectations for my near future that are fairly ambitious for me, and I want to reach my goal VERY badly. Badly enough to work toward it every day, whether I’m feeling up to it or not.
We make too many excuses to NOT do things, not enough excuses to actually DO stuff. DO go for a run, DO eat better, DO go to bed earlier. DO WHAT YOU KNOW YOU SHOULD!

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