If you produce more value for others than you consume yourself, you can save and invest.
If you consume more than you produce you become dependent and lose your freedom and happiness.
How are you doing?
3 years ago
Larry, thanks for the thinking music playlist. I find it very useful background music while working. Seems to provide similar productivity as pink noise, but much more pleasant.
Chris Cooper
3 years ago
James Horner is one of my favorite composers!! Thanks for the recommendation.
Cory B Adolph
3 years ago
Enjoying the audiobook. Well produced. I’m in the middle of Part 2 right now. Go Larry!
Larry, thanks for the thinking music playlist. I find it very useful background music while working. Seems to provide similar productivity as pink noise, but much more pleasant.
James Horner is one of my favorite composers!! Thanks for the recommendation.
Enjoying the audiobook. Well produced. I’m in the middle of Part 2 right now. Go Larry!