Political Ideologies

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Totalitarian Communism – you have two cows.  You have to take care of them and then the government takes all the milk.

Feudalism – You have two cows.  You take care of them and your Lord takes some of the milk.

Communism – You have two cows.  The government takes them from you and puts them in a barn with everyone else’s cows.  You take care of them and the government gives out as much milk as it thinks you need.

Monarchy – You have two cows.  The government tells you where you can put them and how to raise them and takes some milk as tax.  When the leaders of that government die, their kids take over.  If there is war, someone else tells you what to do with your cows or steals them.

Bureaucracy – You have two cows.  The government tells you what you can feed them and when you can milk them, then pays you not to. Then it takes both cows, shoots one, milks the other dry, and pours the milk down the drain.  Then is requires you to fil out forms accounting for the missing cows.

Socialism – You have two cows.  The government lets you keep them but tells you how to take care of them and how to distribute the milk.

Democracy – You have two cows.  You and your neighbors decide who gets the milk.

Representative Democracy – You have two cows.  You and your neighbors elect someone to debate with other elected officials who pass laws that allow you to sell or trade your milk.

Capitalism – You have two cows.  You sell one and buy a bull.

Barry Kindt

May it outlive this administration!

Jeff Russell

All I can say is that I miss the way it was when I was a kid in this country. There was love and everyone was very helpful to each other. I miss that!

Gray Wilson

Great summary of the different types of government. I noticed that all but one system takes advantage of their people under the premise that they know better……

Cindy Davis

Amen! Praying for our country daily!

Russell Dillon



Love this one Larry!


Not for much longer it appears sorry to say……

Willis Ponds

I absolutely loved your segment today! Great illustration!


Haha, Larry you missed “Trudeauism”. It’s where you have a drama teacher who teaches kids, while eating a hamburger and wearing sparkly socks, that these things named cows(which the kids have never seen) emit dangerous gases and so everyone who has a cow must pay carbon taxes or shoot it and ensure NOT to eat the meat or to feed it to the poor animals at the shelter who are also carnivors. So no milk OR meat, and millions die of starvation.
Signed Western Canada…
Home of everything you need to run a thriving economy.

Keith A Vaughan

Socialism is an economic system where the government owns the production of the whole economy, typically married with Communist politics/rulers. Socialism is not a political system per se like the others in your list.
America is an Social Democracy, which – again – is an economic system typically married with a Liberal Democracy political slant, which allows for as much individual freedom as possible but after we come together for the collective good / lack of anarchy – this premise is in the US Constitution.
It’s the “line” that we don’t seem to understand very well in our current disfunction.

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