The Star Spangled Banner Story

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

The Fourth of July has come and gone again.  I for one am proud of my country and our founding fathers who penned the words that made today possible for all of us, and the millions who have protected the ideas, rights and freedom we all have today.  I am a proud American and proud of our flag.

This video moved me.  I think it will do the same for you.  It’s 11 minutes so when you have some time, please check it out.

Richair Mechanical Inc.

Thank you Larry

Mike Mitchell

Outstanding! I hadn’t reserved time for a video this morning but trusted my instincts that you would only recommend it if you felt it was worthwhile. I too am proud to be an American and love our flag.

Mark Wedemeyer

Excellent post. This truly should be a video shown in every school system in America as required viewing!

Don Godbout

That was an amazing video, as is our great American ?? Flag!

Rick Pilarski

Thank you for the great 11 minutes and 39 seconds!!!!

Dustin Coffey

God Bless America! Most definitely something everyone needs to watch today!

Carlos Martinez

I am Canadian but was also deeply moved by that video! Thanks for sharing Larry!

Jeff Russell

That was awesome. We are so lucky to live in this country. We need to respect and take care of the land of the free!

Dan Cox

Awesome video!

Dave Fleck

WoW!! Goosebumps the entire video.

Jeff Benrud

Great history lesson,
Thanks Larry


That was outstanding. Thanks Larry.

Steven Ferguson

God bless America, thanks for sharing!

Cindy Davis

God bless America! We should never take our freedom for granted…not everyone is as fortunate! Thank you for the reminder!

Steve Godbout

Larry, I shared this video with all my family and friends this morning and the appreciation for our flag is still high but we need to let as many people know especially our younger generation what it really means to live in the Freest ang greatest county.
Thank you again and God bless.

Timothy Garrett

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. God bless America
Thank you Larry

Willis Ponds

Thank you so much for sharing this! I love the story! I think Paul Harvey might have told or repeated this at some point.

Eric Greenberg

all I can say is WOW.
I’ve never heard that story and it is AWESOME!
Proud to be an American and love it!

Amanda Lott

Love this. Thank you for the reminder.

Michael T Fortenberry

Today I am thankful for Contractor Nation for giving me a new insight on how to run a business properly and mainly how to treat employees properly.

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