Do you know what you want?

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

God bless the people who know what they want and go for it.  They get started in the right path for them and through the magic of compound interest, get really good at it earlier in life.

Some people don’t know what they want.  Some say they know and get on a path and change their mind a few years later, only to do it again.

Some young people, who have grown up without adversity in a world of abundance with a myriad of opportunities, have no idea what they really want to do.  Life is easy and no great passion has been ignited.

You have to find your own path.  Not everyone will know when they get a diploma in their hand.  I think it’s unrealistic for many to be able to choose a major at age 18 that they will stick with for the long term. 

If you don’t know what your path will be to use your talent to make a contribution to the world, which is necessary to feel good about yourself and to prosper,  then try things.  I don’t mean picking any old job and see what happens.  I mean purposefully think – do I like to work with my hands or my mind?  Do I like to work with others or alone?  Inside or outside?   What is my special talent – something I’d do if I wasn’t being paid?   Does the world need that in some form it will pay for?  What careers fit?

Then seek out people who have those jobs now.  Go interview them.  Sounds weird?  I bet 9 out of 10 that get a call from you say “Sure, I’ll talk to you about what my job is like each day”.  You can shadow them at their work and see what it is REALLY like before you spend years learning and pursuing it.

We’re talking about a career, but it could be a hobby or passion outside of work.   Either way, don’t sit there and wait for inspiration to answer such an important question.  Pursue the question as actively as you’d pursue the answer when you discover it.  And don’t forget, it may be right in front of you, or very close.

No matter your age now, it’s up to you to find what fits your talent, ignites your passion and unlocks your genius.  Try things – lots of things, choosing and discarding along the way.  Clarity will save years.

You’re a genius – in something.  Find it.

William Lindberg

Excellent advice, will be sharing with my kids. Be blessed today.

Jeff Russell

That is an awesome Think Daily Larry! I was fortunate enough to find my passion early on as well.


Another amazing post! THANKS LARRY:)

Tom Matthews

One of the best messages you’ve written since I started reading Think Daily. Thanks, Larry.

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