Time flies – but you're the pilot

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We all have the same amount of time in a day, week, or year.  It seems to fly by.

When we are young, we think we have unlimited time.  As we age, we come to know better.

It seems we can’t control this thing called time.

But we can!  We can control what we DO with it.  We can spend much of our time doing meaningful, valuable, and enriching things that fill our lives with experiences we cherish.

Time flies – but you’re the pilot.


Bob ligmanowski

Good morning from Chicagoland! Time..it’s very true what you said. I only wish they taught this in grade school:)

Scott Haring

Great advice. Yes, steer, AND give it enough throttle to maintain speed (don’t stall).

Patricia Villers

Tempus fugit! One day you’re planning your wedding, the next month you’re celebrating your 35th wedding anniversary! Speaking from experience here. : )

Susan Blount

A wise man once told me “When you’re 5 years old life goes 5 miles an hour; when you’re 50 years old it goes 50 miles an hour”. So true.

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