The rights do not imply an obligation on others.
For example the right to free speech – nobody has to give you the words to say, or to listen to you.
Freedom of religion does not take anything away from anyone else.
However, the right to healthcare for example implies an obligation on someone else’s part to provide that healthcare. To give a person a right while enslaving someone else to provide it can not be a true right.
Isn’t it nice to know that if I (or millions of others) exercise my rights it doesn’t mean you have to give me anything?
This is part of what it means to live in a free society, and we all profoundly benefit from freedom. What do you think?
Comment with the orange button!
I so wish we lived by those words. We have allowed our government to get to big…..
Can’t agree more. Like the kids saying goes “you get what you get so don’t get upset” Most people are honest hard working individuals. For the percentage that can work should work and if others have to support then it’s no different than stealing from us. People that really need help and can’t help themselves should get it. Injured military, police etc. Between media and a good percentage of college professors they are teaching “equality” regardless of how you have to get it. It’s wrong.
Absolutely spot on, Larry, you have nailed it – simple and right there in front of us all the time.
Several rights are articulated in our constitution. The constitution says what it says and doesn’t say what it doesn’t say. In my opinion many politicians and many of our citizens define rights much differently than what is in our constitution. I like your definition.
I’m taking a Constitution 101 class from Hillsdale College. I’m loving it. A great source for learning.
Could not have said it better Larry!
I agree 100%, especially when there are able bodied people living on the backs of those of us who have worked so hard for so many years to make this world/country a better place. I absolutely have no issue with those who try and need some help from time to time, but the people who make a career out of living off the system is what get’s to me. We live in the land of opportunity, every single person that really tries can succeed if they stay with it! For me, I can’t tolerate the “poor me” excuses any longer.
Spot on Larry! Rights mean we have the right to provide for ourselves.
When our forefathers came to this country. The only right the expected was to be able to create a place for their families that no one told them what they could or could not be.
If my father was a show maker that didn’t mean I had to be a shoe maker. If I wanted I could be a farmer. Or a teacher instead.
Before this experiment in freedom. Many were locked into classes. By monarchies. Kings or Queens. Or Emperors.
Rights there were no rights. Only what the monarchies said were rights.
As China and North Korea are still locked in.
There is nothing Free about Freedom.
Freedom is a choice to make the BEST YOU!
YOU can BE!
Buy adding our worth to the collective. For our future.
Creating a people that wait for the next hand out. Is what China and North Korea are all about.
They need people dependent on there scraps they give them. So they stay in control of what choices they choose to give them!
Reading and Understanding the Past. Is how we avoid future mistakes. It’s like Larry talks about. You have to know where you have been to know how far you can go.
This is why if people are trying rewrite our history. You know there is a problem!
100% correct
Good mourning Larry! It’s a beautiful day to be!
Very well said! Negative rights vs positive rights … An important but often misunderstood idea for a ‘free’ society.
Thanks for the post.
Spot on Larry, but I think ‘We The People’s are starting to lose these rights.
I agree wholeheartedly! And because of my belief in freedom and due to how those freedoms have been trampled, especially during the Covid-19 Plan-demic, I have recently joined an organization called Businesses for Liberty. They are a small business organization geared towards promoting freedom to operate our businesses outside of unreasonable and unconstitutional mandates. I highly recommend it to anyone who runs a business and enjoys liberty!
Extremely well stated!
Simple, yet profound. Thank You so much for your daily insight!
So simply said but accurate, if only Washington understood that
Fully agree Larry, well put.