You can’t do two things at once. If you try, it’s not multi-tasking, it’s multi-switching.
You think about one thing for 15 seconds, switch to a different thought, wasting time and focus in the switch, and think about the next thing for a bit, before switching back or to a third thing.
You can’t do good work this way. You will drop balls and make mistakse.
To do the best work and the most work, do one thing at a time until it’s done.
Make “ mistakse”
Lol that was funny Larry ! I know you did that on purpose for our benefit.
Loved the ‘mistakse’ – giggle, giggle! Have a great non-multi-tasking Monday.
One exception to this multi-switching guideline: cooking/meal prepping!
I’m old school and make lists at work and at home. Cross each one off upon completion. It works great. Happy 4th Larry!
Hello from Texas!
We are grateful for exceptional leaders who are more than generous with their time and have a true desire to see others succeed (aka Larry Janesky)!
Hey y’all! Good morning from the great state of Texas! It is forcasted to be unseasonably cool (cool as in under 100 degrees) and rainy all week. Yay!
More great info as usual! Thanks!
Hello from Round Rock, Texas!