Two young boys were raised by an alcoholic father. They grew older and each went his own way in the world. As adults, they were interviewed by a psychologist who was analyzing the effects of drunkenness on children in broken homes.
One was a clean living tea drinker and the other a hopeless drunk like his father. The psychologist asked each one why they developed the way they did and each one gave an identical answer. “What else would you expect when you have a father like mine?”
It’s not what happens to you that determines your destiny – it’s how you respond to it.
Take responsibility for how you respond to life. Go from victim to creator.
Focus on “What do I want?”
What do you want? Have you taken responsibility for your response to what happened in your life?
Good morning Larry. I can’t express how much I agree with this. The difference in the brothers is in how they perceived their world. One saw the only path he could take laid out before him, the other saw the need to divert from the path. A change in perception could easily lead one down the path of the other. I can relate to this example directly, I’m here today because of a change in perception and a desire to take control of my life. Thank you for continuing to remind us of what is important, we appreciate you!
Hi Larry,
I didn’t have any siblings but I understand. I am grateful for the mistakes my parents made. It allowed me to know what NOT to do in life. Make your own path and determine your own self-worth. Be a role model for your children.
This is such great advice Larry! Thanks for sharing!
I absolutely get this. I have four siblings, and we are all so very different – much of it in response to the way my father was. I made a decision early on that although sometimes parents can rob you of your childhood, you get to choose whether or not to hand them the rest of your life.
You certainly are a blessing. Thank you for how you contribute to the world. It makes a difference in my life.
awesome parenting advice too, not just business. Thank you Larry !