Where your attention goes, energy flows.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

What are you paying attention to today? 

It is likely you are paying attention to what you see and hear – and that you can do on purpose.

What you pay attention to you will find yourself thinking more about, and then you’ll find yourself taking action on it.

That’s how it works.  You’re in the driver’s seat of your life.

What are you going to put in front of your eyes and into your ears?


John Mitchell

Larry This is John Mitchell
I am no longer with Regional
But I still follow you
I love this saying

Patrick O'Toole

Happy Friday, Larry! This has definitely been on my mind lately as I try to spend more time on things that will truly help me succeed and advance in life. I’ve removed a lot of distraction from my life, but I can definitely do better and I need to do something about it. This is what happens when you put “ThinkDaily” in front of your eyes!

George Platt

Larry, you are the man of 1,000 faces. Thank you for sharing them all. Hipster to the Goober who is the selling face and everything in between. I appreciate the transparency and I refer when ever I can.
Be well,

Desiree Leader

This reminds me of a lesson I learned many years ago. One of my greatest loves as a child was gymnastics – especially the balance beam; that is, once I was able to get over my fear of falling off. My instructor taught me to look at the end of the beam, to focus on where I’m going, that was the way to keep my balance. I try to carry that into my real life now. If I focus on where I’m going instead of my fear of failure, I will reach my goal.

Mike Mitchell

As a man thinks in his heart so he is

I make time each morning to put “Think Daily” in front of my eyes.

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