The same issue coming up over and over again? That’s because you haven’t handled it yet.
The universe will keep throwing the same problem at you over and over again until you get it right.
Nothing personal. Just feedback. If you need that feedback again – you’ll get it – again and again and again, until you get it right.
Bold action. That’s the only thing that will fix this.
I am struggling with this exact problem. I am running scenarios through my mind, and train to find what the consequences will be. I am looking for what is best for both parties.
How do I get another copy of the Highest Calling on an Audio book? I have listened to the copy I have a number of times and now the first 3-4 discs cut out on me after the first few chapters so I am not able to listen to the entire book. I love the book and just need to order a replacement audiobook. Thank you
This thought of taking action to make change is a perfect example of Einstein’s quote:
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result…