Not all effort is equal

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Working your butt off?  (Not everyone does.)

Working hard is important if you are to achieve anything worthy and do well in an endeavor – including making a living.  Entrepreneurs work especially hard because they are responsible for the results, and because they think that working harder will solve their problems.

But here’s the thing – 

20% of the effort = 80% of the results.

What 20% of your time gives you 80% of the results?

1) Don’t fail to do that.

2) Do less of the 80% that gets you the least results.

3) Do more of the 20% that gets you the most results.

What are your highest value activities?


George Platt

Hey Larry, If you haven’t stumbled upon Perry Marshall, you might want to check it out. He’s a Richard Koch collaborator and he’s taking it to new levels. He’s a guru’s guru.

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