Don't be normal

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

If you want to achieve results that are more than normal, how can you go around learning what everyone else is learning, saying what they are saying, doing what they are doing, and spending their time the way they do (following “the script”)?


Bill Whyte

Thanks Larry! Really appreciate what you do every day. I had a comment on the masks and maybe jumped the gun a little bit as I am overly sensitive about COVID masks and the clear science they don’t really do much of anything. However, the larger point is if you want to wear a mask – fine – enjoy, don’t tell tell I have to wear one for your protection. Life is risky, I’ve educated myself and I am willing to take a risk and not wear a mask in order to enjoy life. Have a great day!


Thanks Larry, keep it up and don’t listen to the complainers

Lisa Pantaleo

I knew you meant airline oxygen masks having heard the preflight speech many times. As for wearing a mask against COVID. Absolutely, everyday without question until the threat is over. Being in the over 60 higher risk group I will do whatever it takes to be safe.

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