Problems? Move away. Get a new job. A new partner. A new house. (Sometimes those things are key but..)
You can’t escape you.
Your habits. Your thinking. How you process information. Your attitude and mindset.
From the inner – the outer.
Work on you – first.
Hello and Good Morning!!!
Hello from The Junkluggers Appointment Center!
I hope you have a fabulous day!!!
Hello , have a great day
Hi! I agree and I’ve seen this happen firsthand. Thanks Larry!
Good Morning Larry– Thanks for leading us, I appreciate that you are you!
HELLO ~! Thank you for my morning inspiration! Have a great day!
Hello Contractor Nation, Thank you for all you do Larry. Have a Wonderful day.
Good morning LJ!
Hello Larry and all of CN!
Hello Larry!
Thank you for Contractor Nation. It has changed my business and life.
Thank you.
And this is great news. It’s easier to change ourselves than it is to change others.
Good morning and hope that your year is off to a great start.
My current habits are perfectly designed for my current results. Change my habits change my results. Great posts Larry.
Good morning! This is so true. Thanks for the reminder.
HELLO! Working on you is critical to moving past the bumps in all parts of our lives. Had a few a decade or so ago, worked hard on me and its all in my permenant past!
Hello Larry!!
Hey Larry! This is such a great reminder, I don’t think enough people are able to put themselves under the microscope and see what really makes them tick. Having a true understanding of how you yourself function is priceless.
Hello Larry!
Hello Friend!
Well Larry I so appreciate reading your blogs. Such a straightforward approach. I always remember, learn and laugh. Love the amazing moments of clarity.