For all the things we are taught growing up, there are a few glaring omissions. You know like personal finance, salesmanship, and how money works.
But there is one area that makes a huge difference in one’s life and is very much overlooked – good character and high morals. When I was in Boy Scouts I learned the Scout Law – “A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Brave, Clean and Reverent.”
Corny? Say what you want but much of the world’s problems would be solved if everyone had these qualities.
There is much to say about these 12 words, and I’ve been wanting to write a book about them for many years. We could also add other qualities like self-discipline, ambition, humility, enthusiasm, determination and self-confidence.
From the inner comes the outer. If we don’t have good character, we will have all kinds of problems – especially in business.
great piece, you only got 11, Thrifty is missing. Thrifty brave clean & reverent. I too enjoyed and am thankful for my Boy Scout Experience. Troop 6 Berkeley.
I Look forward to reading that book.
Great words. I am also thankful for my time in the Boy Scouts.
The Boy Scouts of America shaped me into the man I am today. At the core of it’s existence are strong principles and leadership development; something the world will always need. Thank you for proudly naming your support to the scouting movement, as do I.
Absolutely!! These are qualities that are largely missing at least it feels that way, The question is how to change it… A book is a Great start, getting folks to change their behavior is a long Term task but worth the result for the good of all
Thanks for keeping Think Daily up I do enjoy it
I Love this! This needs to be addressed over and over- just like in Boy Scouts!
Thank you for posting Larry.
In 20/20 hindsight I wish I’d have been a Boy Scout, a lot of good I could have picked up early on — but its never too late! I’d definitely read that book!
good character and high morals is everything to me, I live my life by those 12 words, I even have them printed on my walls in my shop. 🙂
Troop 28 Pawtucket, RI
I’m thankful to the Boy Scouts of the world.
Baden Powell, the founder of the World Scout movement, was based in South Africa for many years. He commanded the British garrison that was besieged in the town of Mafeking by the Boers (the South African force at the time). He started his scouting skills from about 1880 in the city where I was born, Pietermaritzburg – Larry we rode past there.
Why don’t you do a call to all Eagle/Springbok/Queen/etc Scouts who read your Think Daily to “Leave a Comment”?
Cheers, Phillip.
6th Air Scouts Troop, Pietermaritzburg.