There are plenty of people giving advice out there. Many people give advice on things they have never done themselves, or advice they don’t follow themselves.
The financial planner who doesn’t have a lot of money.
The sales trainer who has never been a successful salesperson.
The politician who has never run a successful large organization or balanced a budget.
The out of shape person giving advice on health.
The business advisor who’s never run a successful business.
The marketing guru who’s only job has been to market marketing advice to you.
If you want the best advice, spend some time to study who you are considering getting it from. No one is qualified to give advice on everything. You want a specialist who has done what you are trying to do AND has enough experience at it to discern the dimensions of the subject that make all the difference. (Gray hairs?)
Once you find the best advisor, it’s worth it to pay them what they ask. The most successful people have the best advisors.
The most expensive information is bad information, even if it’s free.
Who do you get advice from?
Truer words. This one hit home for me. Charlatan’s are everywhere. Happy New Year, and wishing you a speedy recovery with your new knee.
Happy healthy New Year. I’m never watching 2020 again.
Thank Larry for a very informative year
I really liked this post. It is timely for me personally. I listen to John Maxwell and he shared the hardest person to manage is himself. And doing what you love everyday causes consistency to compound in your life. Thank you for posting this. Happy New Year!
Thank you, Larry. I’m glad to keep an eye on this advice! Happy New Year.
I’ve wanted to grow my business, so I’ve taken my advise from you and SOE since your business is very much what I want my to look like. I’ve watched my business grow over the last few years by implementing your suggestions. Thank you and Happy New Year!