Salt, Speed and Dust – Prologue

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

It was a few years ago I suppose, when Chris Haines lit the spark.


Chris Haines is my desert racing support team owner.  In his day, Chris has won a LOT of races in Baja, and he’s in the Off-Road Racing Hall of Fame.  His shop is in Southern California.  I was there for a short visit and I see these two beautiful street bikes.  He starts telling me about them and about the Bonneville Salt Flats and let out a soft invitation – a challenge even.  It was so foreign to me.  I let it go. 


I had desert races to run in Baja.  My quest to finish the Baja 1000 solo had not been completed yet.  I’d spent thousands of hours riding motorcycles in my time, but not that kind of motorcycle.  That’s not for me….or….nahhh….


The places we go, and the people we meet.  That’s what shapes our lives. 

Everyone’s heard it – “hang around interesting people”, and the corollary, “be careful who you hang around with”.  Maybe the person I was with that day offered to take me hang gliding, or mountain climbing or some other adventure.  Maybe they would try to hustle me and offer me a scam investment, or offer me drugs, or show me some other behavior on the lower tier of what humanity has to offer.


The people we get with have an influence on us – and some will cause us to take a fork in the road that has a profound impact on our lives. 


This is the beginning of a story, right here on Think Daily.  It’s a daring adventure, and a personal challenge.  I hope you enjoy it.


To be continued…


Mike Mitchell

Being looking forward to hearing this one for awhile

Keith Hart

Today I’m thankful that Larry lives a Great Story and that he has the Talent, Ability and Desire to share these Adventures with us!
God Speed Larry Janesky

William Lindberg

Looking forward to this journey Larry.


I can’t wait to hear the parts of this story I don’t know.

A life filled with much joy happiness and some pitfalls but to Larry just bumps in the road. Good luck on the Baja.


Always looking forward to more!!
Keep up the great work

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