Asking a superstar to work for you? Committing to that bigger marketing budget? Lay off your friend who works for you because they are hurting you?
Running a business is not for sissies.
You got this.
Tell us what is scary for you in the comments!
Getting another truck and watch it sit.
Katherine is amazing!!
Family business dynamics
This one hits home for me, I face the realization that every once in a while I can’t change a person to proceed to the next level. My biggest fault right now is believing I can change every person every time. I need to realize I can’t and move on with progression.
I had a friend and family man working for us in a management position for several years. He was hurting our operation a lot. We had poor productivity, lots of turn over and production was stagnant for six years. Our backlog grew to over 4 million. Did I say he was a friend and family man? I had a friend visit and was talking with several of our employees. He said I needed to get this guy out, that he was so negative. So after six years of allowing this to go on, I fired him. One of the hardest days of my life. We have now passed last years numbers and are on pace for an increase of over 30% and turn over has decreased a lot! Thanks to my friend Larry Janesky for kicking me in the backside to do something I should have done 5 years sd go.
Katherine is the best – so glad to be working with her.