While we like to think we are self-sufficient and independent, it’s not hard to see that we are very very far from it. To experience our standard of living takes the work of millions, maybe billions of people.
Look around you right now. Everything you see uses materials that are great inventions; the creativity and labors of countless minds, all available to us when we call on it.
This wasn’t planned. No one mind or small group of them could or does have the power or capacity to design and bring forth such a great world. It was the effort of billions of minds over many millennia to better themselves by winning over customers by bringing better products and services to them.
This is capitalism. We are all participants and beneficiaries.
If we are to continue to progress we must maintain the environment that capitalism flowers best in – individual freedom, rule of law, free trade (across borders), low taxes and regulation, sound money that holds it’s value, and free speech.
Let’s leave an even better world to our children’s children.
Leave a better world with a massive tab to pay off…
I often think of the Greatest Generation and how we are forever indebted to those who sacrificed for our country’s future.
Love your blog posts!!
You are so Blessed to live in the USA.