Setting goals for what you think is probable.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

We had some experiences and the world responded to us.  Based on those early experiences we drew a box around ourselves and said “That’s who I am”.  We’ve been acting that way ever since.

But is it true?

Now we set goals based on what we think is probable for us, instead of what is possible, because we don’t believe in what is really possible – because of the “box”; the identity we accepted as real.

But that is all phony.  It’s only real for us because we bought in.  We believed it. 

The reality is the world was just giving us feedback – when you do this, they like it this much – you get these results.  But it was so early in the game when we weren’t as good, and didn’t know much – or at least as much as others around us at the time and place.

If we give up our story of who we are, and stop going for what we think is probable, we can go for what we really want instead.


I tend to read these posts first thing in the morning, most days they will inspire my thoughts for the day leading the direction of my thinking as well as influencing my goals for the day.
Very Meaningful ‼ Thank You


We all set goal or should and as we obtain them we redo them .Those goals should be for our inner self not for the world .
Be happy within your self and the hell with how the world sees us . Also the world will forget you very fast when it’s over .
who built GE , ITW, Apple , Pfizer , United Technology ,Loews , Target , etc. I can go on because the world forgot them so remember its you yourself that needs to be happy and with your own book
We need to be happy inside and know within our self that we have done and achieved what we wanted .
Not what we see in the world . The world affects those goals somewhat but in reality they are only to guide us in achieving our own .
I love these reminders in the Am they are inspiring
Thanks Larry

Wes martin

This is all so true . I fight to remember that anything is possible if I make my past move out of the way of my future.

Dan Gattuso

Proverbs 23:7a
“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
Change your thinking and change your life!

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