The real measure of prosperity is time. Do you have time, ultimately your most precious finite resource, to do what you want?
If we produce value that we can get paid for in a reasonable percentage of our time, we have some money. But if we consume too much relative to our income, we have debt and are spending even more of our time paying the bills.
It’s a balance between the volume of production and consumption, and the nature of the production and the consumption that will determine how prosperous we are – our available time.
How is this playing out in your life? Tell me with the orange button!
Due to COVID, we went through a lag period for two-three months. The market is so busy now, that I’m running out of hours. I’m considering hiring other employees, but the future seems uncertain. The work level is taking its personal tolls.
Sometimes in an odd market I feel we do sometimes just have to deal with the loss of personal time. But, with an added employee, perhaps we can use this period to sustain or increase growth. Any advice?
As I have entered my “post employment” time of life the work for income part may have modified, but spending more than the inflow is what is still so vital. I as have always tried to live and teach my kids, God gets the first fruits, savings the second tranche, government theirs and the balance to live. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Bill
“I’ve managed to work myself up from nothing….to a state of extreme poverty!” Gaucho Marx