Actions can reprogram your brain too. Stand up and take action. Do the thing you fear. Get started. Move your body. Take the first step. Do it.
Just as thoughts can reprogram your brain, so can action. Repeated action conditions your brain into new beliefs and new repeated thoughts.
I know people who have said they don’t like someone for years. Then one day they bump into them and have a talk, and boom, two years of negative self-talk gone. Couldn’t they have called them or visited them when it started with the intention to understand and appreciate their good qualities and avoided all those years of crappy thoughts?
If you have been procrastinating doing something you think you hate now or are not good at, and just get started or get a bit of instruction on – boom, procrastination and repeated thoughts gone! Walk around the block and then lift a five-pound weight ten times and boom – you workout! That’s who you are!
Motion creates emotion and changes your recurring thoughts. Take action!
Good morning Brother..
“From Action, Comes Results!’
Fake it till you make it.
Good morning Larry!!!
Thank you for this! When we move everything gets fired up, so to speak.