If we aren’t trying to change what is and make it better, then we have no problems.
The minute we set a goal is the minute we start having problems. How to do it? Where to get the resources and knowledge? Who to have help us? And if we set big goals, we have big problems.
Trying to do great things means one damn thing after another coming at us.
The ones who move forward are the ones who can solve problems without the problems overcoming them.
That’s where the saying “What a great problem to have” comes from! #TheBestIsYetToCome
I like this perspective a lot. It teaches us to stop complaining about the problems because the alternative is zero opportunity. I’ll take problems any day of the week.
Oh man that is so good Especially in a time like this very timely!!
Thank you Larry
“The ones who move forward are the ones who can solve problems QUICKLY without the problems overcoming them.”
Thanks for the shout out to our team!
Good morning from Frank’s Services in Buffalo!!! 🙂
Good morning from Adirondack Basment