I’m working on a project right now. It’s a very big long project. Maybe 350 pages.
I broke inertia and got started and then got some momentum. I’m an experienced writer and project manager, and I know what is coming. So I have a sense of urgency to keep it moving before I get to the trough of disillusionment.
It comes even to the best of us. In our business, our quest, our project…we lose our mojo and it feels like a slog. Play it. Break your routine. Schedule time to mix with others who will take an interest and support you.
Keep a scoreboard on your progress. Set mini-goals. Do what you must to keep your emotional and mental energy for the work. See it through.
In the Baja 1000, once I know the finish line is closer, I get a second wind.
Stay with it. Everyday – forward.
Don’t quit.
This one was perfect timing for me. I can feel that feeling coming on. Was exactly what I needed to hear at the exact right time!
Words that I needed to hear today. Going through a rough patch and was beginning to get discouraged. Thank you
Thanks, I needed that today too. Keep accomplishing, even if it’s aomething little.