This time of year it’s a good idea to take stock in what happened. Here are some questions to ask –
What did you/we want to accomplish at the beginning of 2019? (Did you write it down? Because that would be great to look at right now.)
How old are you?
What did you accomplish this year?
What did you fail to accomplish that you wish you had?
Were your plans realistic? Did you change them based on new information?
What is your why? Are you being true to your real self?
Where do you want to be in 5 years? Ten years?
What do you want to accomplish this year?
Will you write it down and look at it every day so you’ll take action each day? (bathroom mirror perhaps?)
Happy New Year Larry!!
Happy New Year!! All the Best in 2020…
Happy New Year to you too Larry! Thanks for all your incites and advice on Think Daily and all the training you provided us. We look forward to 2020 with much promise.
Happy new year Larry- the best is yet to come in 2020- perfect vision and a great team!
Happy New Year, Larry!