Creativity, not competition.

Larry Janesky: Think Daily

Competition is the opposite of creativity.  When you play a game that is already being played how it is already being played, you can only compete on price.  Competition is good for consumers this way, but not necessarily for you.

Creativity gets you in a new game.  If what you create is valued more by the consumer, you are out of the old (price) game and into a new game where you can make some money.

Compete, yes – but not without creativity.

Josh Sulfridge

Very very true! Being the most expensive in our territory has definitely forced is to get more creative and helped get us to where we are today! Delivered correctly it is perceived and translated as the true company quality and value that we deliver daily, helps set us apart, and forces us to be more creative and prepared in order to properly beat the subpar competition. It then in turn provides more resources in order to be a financially healthy company and get your name out there with marketing/branding/quality employees and dominate the competition even further.

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